The Advantages of Hiring a Public Notary in Bowen Hills

Peter Tobin


Tobin Partners | Legal Practitioner | Notary Public | Hon. Consul for Norway (QLD)
AddressSuite 2C, 134 Racecourse Road, Ascot QLD 4007

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Location Suite 2C, 134 Racecourse Road,
Ascot QLD 4007

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With the growth of the Internet and globalisation, even the smallest businesses can market on a global scale and attract new clients from overseas. With the ability to trade internationally, you could experience rapid business growth and ensure your future is secure. However, it’s a good idea to ensure all documents are signed in front of a qualified public notary in Bowen Hills so that your documents are accepted internationally.

While attracting new clients from overseas can be extremely beneficial for your business, the laws and regulations surrounding contracts and powers of attorney can be tricky. First, you’ll need a solicitor to go through your documents with a fine-toothed comb, but you’ll subsequently need a public notary in Bowen Hills to witness the signing of papers.

Before somebody can become a notary, they must first have been a solicitor or lawyer for several years to establish their reputation as a professional regarding the law. After they receive the prestigious title of a notary, they have the authority to witness the signing of documents, and they can apply their seal which shows courts of law that the signatures were authentic and that contracts were signed properly.

At Brisbane Notary, our esteemed professionals have been notaries for over 17 years and have overseen the signing of international contracts for a vast array of businesses. If you want to secure extra peace of mind that your signature on documents will be accepted internationally, we have a public notary in Bowen Hills ideally situated to help you.


Tobin Partners | Legal Practitioner | Notary Public | Hon. Consul for Norway (QLD)